Kia ora, I am a student at St Francis of Assisi School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
My lucky writing
KIA Ora and welcome back to my blog in October 2021. Everyone excited for Halloween. I have done a writing about The Lion and the Sweet Mouse
Friday, September 24, 2021
Special Speech
Kia ora, This week I entered into the speech competition, In did an awesome speech about why everyone should be vegetarian. I did heaps of research to back up my reasons. I worked for weeks to make my speech as perfect as possible. I really hope my speech can convince you to be vegetarian!
Why should everyone be vegetarian?
Have you seen the prices of meat these days?
Hi, my name is Mila and today I’m going to be telling you why everyone should be vegetarian.
First, everyone should be vegetarian because we can help climate change and take care of some animals' lives and maybe because you are just allergic to meat.
Second, when you’re a vegetarian you don’t eat fish or meat but when you’re a peskatarian you only eat fish and not meat. Everyone has their own way of doing things when they’re vegetarian or peskatarian.
Third, when you’re a lacto-ovo vegetarian you only eat dairy products and eggs. When you’re a lacto vegetarian eats dairy products but not eggs, whereas an ovo vegetarian eats eggs but not dairy products.
Fourth, people are vegetarian because they want to help with climate change because the less people that eat meat because the gas that cows produce isn't good for climate change because it warms up the earth with gas called methane.
So to recap, the reason why we should all be vegetarian was because if everyone isn’t vegetarian more animals can’t live a happy life with their type of species, what cows produce called methane will warm up the earth because if the the earth get too warm and it gets to 2 degrees Celsius, more than 70 percent of earth’s coastlines see sea levels rise greater than 0.66 feet resulted in increased coastal flooding beach erosion, salinization of water supplies and other impacts and ecological systems.
Does it really sound like you don’t want to be vegetarian?
My Fabulous Friendship Advice
KIA Ora and I'm going to be teaching you about Friendship advice. So I've made a google drawing. I hope you like it. Here it is.
Do you have any friendship advice for me?
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Thursday, September 9, 2021
My Happy Hobbies
KIA Ora and welcome back to my blogger Wk 7 Term 3 if you don't know me my name is Mila I'm the blogger. This week my reading group have been learning about hobbies that make you happy. My goal is to use prior knowledge to the text, make connections between texts and real life experiences, make connections between texts, make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions. I've made a google slide about Hobbies I hope you like it. Here it is my google slide about hobbies.
Do you have any hobbies?
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
My Wonderful Writing
KIA Ora and welcome back to my blog and if you don't know me my name is Mila and today I'll be showing you my writing. This week my writing group OT1 have been writing persuasive writing and I've done mine on why you shouldn't have junk food at school. But my catchy title is called Sugar High? It tells you a lot about what happens when you have a sugar high. My goal was to individually write a persuasive argument and have some reasons of why you should agree on their opinion.
Sugar High?
First, it gives you a sharp high and then it gives you a really sharp low and it won’t help you learn things at school and the teacher will get mad at you and your parents for buying you junk food for school and putting it in your lunch box.
Second, it is really bad for your teeth and it can cost you a lot of money to get you an appointment at the dentist and probably get some of your teeth taken out if they’re really bad. That’s why you should always brush your teeth when you eat chocolate and sweets because if you don’t brush your teeth after you eat junk food that’s what will happen if you go to the dentist.
Third, the third reason is that when you buy junk food and bring it into school the sweets and chocolate are packaged in little plastic bags so if we drop those bags we have to worry about littering and keeping our environment clean and safe and to make a huge difference for our school.
Fourth, junk food doesn’t keep you full because you will be hungry in about an hour. But if you have nutritious food you will be full and you will be full for longer. Junk food isn’t very good because it’s processed and not real food that your body needs to help you in life and go further. It doesn’t give you the energy your body needs to exercise and keep you healthy and it can make you really sick and sluggish.
Lastly, when you have a sugar high your brain chemicals don’t function properly and they don’t keep you on track and then when you don’t have a sugar high the next day you have to catch up on school work which will be really annoying and then you have to do a lot of homework too. Your parents won’t be happy with you when the teachers tell them about your behaviour at school and how you’re going with your school work and they won’t be impressed with you.
My Relevant Reading
KIA Ora and welcome back to my blog 2021 if you don't know me my name is Mila and this week my reading group SF1. We have to think while reading, pick up new information and come up with new ideas and thinking. This week I've made a google drawing with six reasons what has happened in my life with grit and perseverance.
What has happened in your life when you have to perseverance and use your grit?
My Magnificent Math
KIA Ora and welcome back to my blog 2021 if you don't know me my name is Mila and today I will be showing you my math create this week. This week my math group AC2 had to use multiplication and division strategies to find fractions of whole numbers. I've made a Google drawing to show my understanding of using multiplication and division strategies to find fractions of whole numbers.
Have you ever made a Jam Board before in school?
Friday, August 6, 2021
My PBL Lego bricks reflection
My favourite Lego activity was the Car racing because I loved working with my partner to make some changes to our vehicle to make it go further and faster.
My least favourite Lego activity was the passing of the bricks because when I got my creation back it didn’t look like the one I visioned because a Year 8 broke it apart and then I had to start all over again which was really annoying.
The activity that tested my perseverance the most was the Car Racing because we had to test it over and over again to make it better and go faster. It really paid off making changes all over and over again because we came forth out of 36 students.
The most challenging activity was who can make the tallest tower because we worked really hard and at the last second our tower fell and we lost which was really annoying and frustrating because we worked on it so hard and then it just wasn’t stable enough so it fell.
I enjoyed working collaboratively with others because we all took each other's ideas and put it into the creation that we made collaboratively. I also liked working collaboratively because we al were talking in a positive attitude and being nice to each other.
Thursday, July 29, 2021
The Terrific Tumu Teams Birthdays
Hello if you don't know me I'm Mila. Welcome back to my blog 2021 Term 3 Wk 1. This week my hub have been learning about Statistical Investigation. We collected data from Tumu hub students of what month their birthdays were in. My Goal was to display data using Stem and Leaf graph , choose an appropriate data, display using more than one variable, interpret information from graphs plan an investigation.
When is your birthday?
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Terrific Trip Recount
On Thursday May 20th Tumu Hub went to Margret Mahy, Victoria Square, Feeding the tuna and The Avon Waka. The reason why we went on a town trip was because it will help us with our PBL and our Tūrangawaewae.
My favourite part of the trip was the Waka because I’ve never been on a Waka before. It was cool because I liked how all of us went at the same pace when we were rowing. Victoria Square was fun because I’ve never seen a Pou in real life. It’s amazing how the Maori people carved it to make a story out of the Pou. Margret Mahey was interesting because the woven mats had a saying in it and it had a purpose. Feeding eels\tuna was fun because I’ve never fed an eel in my life even though I fed a female one. It was so big.
Something I learnt was that the Waka was designed by Maori people and that they went fishing with their Mōkihi. Captain James Cook was the first person to discover New Zealand. There was a waiata that was carved into the stone circle that told a story of what happened at Margaret Mahey before the Earthquakes happened in 2010 and 2011. The Female eels\tuna are bigger than the female. That the female eels\tuna lay up to 1.2 million baby eggs.
The thing I found the most interesting was the telephone box in Victoria Square. I felt like I was in London. The designs on the Waka were interesting because I felt like I was in the Waka with the Maori people and I was helping them to catch some fish with their Mōkihi nets. Margaret Mahey woven mats were interesting because they had a purpose of what was happening in the old days and it represents their culture. The tuna were interesting because I didn’t know about the Tuna that much but once I heard all about them it helped me to learn more about the tuna.
This trip has helped me with my PBL because I now understand what I have to do for our PBL and I can’t wait to meet my new PBL group.
Has your school ever been on a town trip before?
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
My Relevant RE
Hi Guys, If you don't know me I am Mila. This week my hub has been learning about the New Testament. I have made a google drawing of why it is important to read the bible and to know what actually happened in the old days when Jesus was alive and when his disciples looked up to him and was inspired to be like Jesus and have the holy spirit working in them every single day and believing in the holy spirit no matter what happens to them it will always be with them no matter what. When Jesus rose up from heaven the holy spirit came down form heaven so that Jesus would be with us even when he is not right here right now standing right in front of us he will always be with us even though he is not standing with you he will always guide you and he will never leave your side.
My Marvellous Math
Hi Guys, If you don't know me my name is Mila and today I am going to be showing you my Math. My Maths group AC1 had to use a broad range of strategies of multiplication problems with whole numbers using place value and compensating. Here is my create down below.
Have you ever learnt this goal in Maths at school before?
Thursday, June 17, 2021
My Colossal Cars
KIA Ora and welcome back to term 2 week 7. This week my hub had to do a slideshow or a google drawing to have facts on it all about cars.
My Maori Myths and Legends
KIA Ora and welcome back to my blog term 2 Week 5.
This week my hub have been doing myths and legends we had to base it on the myths and legends.
My Marvellous Maths
KIA Ora and welcome back to term 2 week 7. This week my maths group AC1 had to create a poster or a slideshow. My goal is to use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication problems with whole numbers - Place value. We've been focusing on our times tables and so that we can learn them off the top of our heads.
Friday, June 11, 2021
My beautiful Re
Kia Ora and welcome back. If you are knew to my blog I am Mila and I am from St Francis and Assisi school. for the past few weeks my hub have been focusing on the sign of the cross in Maori and in English. We have been doing the English one at the start and then after prayers we do the Maori one.
Did you know any of these things about the sign of the cross?
My delightful Daylight savings
Kia Ora and welcome back to term 2 June the 11th. This week my hub have been focusing on daylight savings. We are trying to work out when the sunrises and when the sunsets we found that out after 20 minutes later. It rises at 5:00 am and sets at 9:00 pm at night. Here are some facts of what daylight savings is really all about of when the sunsets and when the sunrises and their are some more facts about daylight savings that I am not going to spoil for you in my writing. I did a google drawing to tell you what actually happens in daylight savings.
Did you know any of these of what happens at daylight savings time?
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
My Responsible Re
KIA Ora this week I have created a vine with some facts about Jesus of what he does and what the vine means. Everyone was doing different vines to make it different for everyone to see who is whose vine that they made by themselves about Jesus and God.
Here is my vine that I've created by myself talking about Jesus and God of what the vine means to us and to other people.
My Amazing Anzac Article
KIA Ora and welcome back to term 2 for this year.
This week I've my hub Is creating a graphic novel about the some articles there was one article called the poppies and there was another article that was about the Anzac war called Harry's war.
I've created a graphic novel about Harry's war the Anzac Article.
My Magical Maori
KIA Ora and welcome back to term 2 for this year.
What do you know any whakatauki quotes that I haven't put on my poster?
My terrific maths
This is week I've been working on my maths create so I'm going to show what I've done for you guys to see what I've done, my goal for my maths is use a broad range of mental strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. look down below to see my working what I've done for you so that you can learn what strategies I've done and you could maybe use these strategies in your work someday.
With addition in this strategie you have to use a number and take away let's say two you have to take away two from that number then you have to add two to the number.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
My Marvellous Maori
KIA Ora and welcome back. This week my hub had to do a Mihi Pepeha about ourselves. Here is mine that I've done for you guys to look at and comment on if you like. Can you please tell me if it is interesting or if you want me to do another one about myself.
Have you ever done a Mihi Pepeha at your school before?
Friday, March 26, 2021
My Relevant Reading
KIA Ora and welcome back to my blog. This week my reading group had to make a Venn diagram to present our working to a native plant to another native plant. Here is my Venn diagram of a Pōhutukawa tree and a Rātā tree. Of how to say what they have the same and what differences they have in there own native tree species.
What do you know about native trees?
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
My Marvellous Maths
KIA Ora welcome back to my blog. This week my maths group had to make a poster or a slideshow or a google drawing to present our work of rounding and compensating. Here is my slideshow presenting my work of rounding and compensating I hope you like and Enjoy it.
Friday, March 19, 2021
My Magnificent Math Strategies
Kia Ora welcome back to my blog 2021, This week in Math we have been learning about using Tidy numbers and place value to solve addition and subtraction questions. Here are some examples:
Friday, March 5, 2021
My Marvellous Maths
KIA Ora welcome back to my blog of 2021. This week my class did maths we had to make a slideshow to present our work of place value and tidy numbers. My goal: Solve 2 & 3 digit problems by place value: 33 + 16 as 30 + 10 + 3 + 6. Solve 2 & 3 digit problems by using tidy numbers: 29 + 18 as 30 + 17. Write in the comments below can you please tell me what you learnt in this slideshow about place value and tidy numbers.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
My wonderful writing
Kia ora welcome back to my blog of 2021 My Goal for this week for writing was to present work in a range of forms & create ideas that link with the topic and each other and include detail. Present work in a range of forms, write content relevant to the task & use language that is suitable to the topic to the audience and purpose.
Some of my tips were you need to have a catchy title and have a good introduction and you have to include in a comment the three words you have to use to make a quality comment you have to include Helpful, Thought, Positive. You need to do a catchy title so that you can convince the reader to read your blog post.
Friday, February 26, 2021
My Terrific Te Reo
Welcome back to my blog for 2021. This week I did Te Reo. We had to do a slideshow to show our learning. Miss Hansen came in to our class and we had words of the week but in Māori. Our class had to blog it as well so that you guys could see it. I learnt the Kupu O Te Wiki. [In English] words of the week. We had to include where we come from and introducing ourselves.